Dietitian Eats

I am frequently asked, "So, you're a dietitian...what do you eat every day?" This mystery will be revealed with random photos capturing creations, daily standard fare and indulgences... check back frequently for updates, or follow me on Instagram for the latest!

Sure, I eat fast food ;-)

An example of a balanced, pre-race meal: garden burger on whole grain bun,
  steamed broccoli, beets with goat cheese

Don't be afraid to skip starches once in a while and double-down
on healthy, colorful veggies! (exceptionally delicious when grilled.)

I like taters. (Thanksgiving, 2011)

Fresh from our friend's tree. These cherries make for a
quick, tasty snack for a girl on the go!

We have great friends- beets and carrots straight from the garden.
And be sure to use the entire beet...greens are wonderful sauteed with some onion and garlic!

A glass of red is always appreciated.

Can't live without my Cho! (Chobani booth at American Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics FNCE, 2012. Thanks for the healthy snacks!)

I do have a sweet tooth. And mom's Christmas
cookies are always a treat! Hey, it only comes once a year.

Pizza is notoriously a "bad food" by some people's standards. But healthy toppings like veggies, lean protein and light cheese pump up the nutrition while satisfying that inner pizza pining (you know what I'm talkin bout) 

MFMG missed his calling as a baker. His cookies and buttermilk pancakes
(both family recipes from scratch) are to die for! 

Notice the delicious fondue in the foreground, but there are healthier
options available as well (fruits and veggies in the background). It's about balance.

Cheese curds courtesy of my foodie friend Justine. It took a while for
MFMG and I to plow through this puppy, but adding to salads and portioning out for snacks made it no problem.

Appetizer creation: whole wheat crackers topped with light cream cheese,
 sundried tomato puree and roasted garlic asparagus. 

We've already established that I have a sweet tooth. These are the perfect, portion-controlled fix!

My favorite way to clean out the fridge:
salad creations using multiple food groups. 

Talenti gelato is an amazing experience. It is very rich, so just
a few spoonfuls will finish off a meal perfectly!

Nothing planned for dinner? No problem! Eggs are always handy at our place, and are the
perfect protein compliment to veggies like spinach, mushrooms, onions, peppers and avocado.
Top with salsa and this is one nutrition-packed post-workout meal.

My mornings frequently start with the above: berries, topped with nonfat
Greek yogurt and a crunchy, whole grain cereal.

After participating in a local summit-fest of a bike ride around Boise I could think of nothing better than a root beer float (which I haven't had in years!) Thanks to our local Roosevelt Market for having the necessary provisions!

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